Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Evaluation Question 5: How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

When asking a sample of 16 - 30 year old females in the street, I told them to pick 2 of these items:

I hypothesised that the average one is going to pick A and C...some may choose D.....and even few are going pick B. This is because girls like fancy things e.g Ted Baker bag and sense pleasing perfume by the famous Marc Jacob. Of course some girls may already have the perfume and want a lovely bag to hold the classic book by one of the Brontë sisters. Then again some may not be the norm and go for these combinations and go for the football along with another of their choice (maybe the perfume so that they can smell nice after a football session). At the end of the day it is very much personal choice and what I have just drawn upon is the stereotype of females going 'for pretty' things - there is nothing wrong with this. In my media product I chose to use this stereotype as I found when researching that an audience seeking to watch a chickflick is going to want mise-en-scene that is aesthetically pleasing.

Specifically in my piece I decided to use items that look aesthetically pleasing yet at the same I could build up a character. Take this still for example:

If we study it carefully we see these products:
When people watch they like relate to characters. To attract an audience I thought appropriate I had to create an everyday scenario that young adults go through. No matter how you old you, bumping into an ex-partner of yours is most likely awkward, so I decided to approach this topic with a twist. After a break-up of a long term relationship many find it hard to find them-self; this can be due to depression led heartbreak which remains unresolved. The defence mechanism of masking problems then kicks in. That's why in this I wanted to show an example and underlying message that no matter how much preparation you make (in this case getting ready) you can never be fully prepared; hence the shock when Ruby bumps into Adam. Females of the age group 16-30 are going to relate more than any other age group because they are less likely to be married, plus if they are in a committed relationship or have previously been they may be able to relate to Ruby's masking.
From my earlier research of opening title sequences I identified the common shots in chickflicks. I found that medium and long shots were very common as there is often some omniscient narration and to stick to conventions of showing materalistic products. I used these (examples) above to really add my genre conventions. 

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